Multiple User Lists per Branding Style: If you have the multiple branding option enabled, you can now associate multiple member lists with each branding style, making it seamless to select the appropriate logo and design for each member. (Ask your account manager for more information if you want to enable the multiple branding option)
We’ve made several improvements to improve screen reader compatibility.
Published articles under “From The Editors” now display the publication date.
Resolved an issue where shortcuts in the Shortcut widget weren’t correctly hidden for news articles that members do not have access to.
Fixed a bug in task pagination that occurred with a high volume of tasks
Addressed a problem where users were occasionally unable to remove appointment reminders.
Corrected an issue where members weren’t deactivated after the configured inactivity period.
Fixed a bug that prevented group managers from editing responses to group items in certain cases.
Resolved an issue with hyperlinks not being clickable on status update pages.
Fixed an issue where tags weren’t consistently cleared from the search index when removed from items.
Numerous under-the-hood improvements, including security updates, to ensure a faster, safer experience.