Teams app integration and more!
We have just released the latest version of our platform, which includes new features and bug fixes designed to enhance your user experience.
What's new
You now have the option to integrate your Viadesk platform as an app inside the Microsoft Teams application! Having Viadesk within Teams means all your essential tools and information are in one place, reducing the need to switch between different applications. We are currently launching the beta for this integration. To access Viadesk inside the Teams app, you need Microsoft SSO. Excited about this option? Just ask your account manager for details and setup.
If you delete an appointment, you can now explain the reason for the cancellation in the email. This way it is clear for everyone why exactly the appointment is cancelled.
In Events, you can now turn off the Sign Out option for participants after the registration deadline. This prevents last-minute cancellations.
You can now make your platform findable on the web (in technical terms: by allowing robots.txt). This is a great option for communities. This feature is off by default.
Improvements and fixes
Pages now show a yellow icon in the group menu when permissions are adjusted, like the folder icons.
You can now filter the timeline on Status updates.
The Mobile App's print function now shows an option to select portrait or landscape printing.
It's now much easier to select members when emailing from the Mobile App.
Fixed a bug where sometimes the dates would not be correctly changed, when moving an appointment in the calendar using the drag & drop method.
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented moving items to a different folder. This could happen after removing the item type from the Add button in Group Management.
Fixed a bug where the removal of a member from a group did not remove the member from the group member list
When searching for members: for company, division, department, category and job title you now can match the complete words.
Fixed a bug that sometimes hid the link to Profile & Status Updates in the Account menu.
When you published an article 'from the news editors', and users downloaded a PDF, it still showed the author's name. This issue has been fixed.
Fixed a bug where, in some cases, the Copy option wouldn't show in the Action widget.
Fixed a bug with a wrong redirect after deleting a text item's version.
Fixed a bug where the Item copy dialogue popup did not list all possible groups.
💡 Upcoming changes to Viadesk's drive mounting feature (WEBDAV) from November 1. Read more >
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