Set Multiple Organizers for Appointments, and more
by Paul Janssen, Innovation Manager
You can now add multiple organizers to Events and Appointments. You can also change the organizer from yourself to someone else.
If you integrate with Bynder digital asset management, the asset selector is now also available when editing News articles, Pages, and Events
Fixed: In some cases, the search function would not find status updates and pages
Fixed: Events widget listed more than the configured maximum number
Fixed: On the groups page, sorting by last activity date would not work
Fixed: PDF export solid borders of a table and numbered list not rendered correctly
Fixed: PDF export would turn numbered lists into bulleted lists
Fixed: Events could not be planned as whole day event for one
Fixed: In richt text, external links would not open in a new tab
Fixed: Favorited news items would not appear in the Favorites widget
If you like or dislike an item, your own name will now be shown as “You”.
Several smaller fixes and performance improvements
In News, we now support both a parameter ‘featuredimage’ and a parameter ‘attachment’, to post files in a multipart/form-data
In News, when you provide a parameter ‘tag’, it will now search both in tags and topics
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