It is now possible to create a duplicate with only minor changes, such as the same appointment with two different starting times, with the Copy Appointment option
The use of images for the Events widget is now optional. In the settings under "View options", a checkbox "Display images" has been added (default option is still true). If set to false, no featured images will be displayed.
In the Event widget view, the weekday has been added next to the date of the event.
Group managers and webmasters can now remove participants that are enrolled in an event.
When managing group permissions in the member lists in "Setup", the platform now automatically memorizes what you have selected while searching.
Emails received in the inbox of a group are now included in the “New in...” email.
A bug was fixed where the “Home group" was no longer listed in the Groups widget on the personal start page.
A bug was fixed that could sometimes cause problems importing and exporting contacts in groups.
A bug was fixed that could sometimes cause members who disabled receiving notifications of a certain group in their preferences, to still see it in the “New in..” email.
And more…
Improved wording in the notification that is being sent after a form has been approved or rejected.
URLs without domain extension are now validated and allowed when used in the shortcut widget.
In the mobile/responsive view, the position of the news archive in the news portal is now on the bottom, corresponding to the desktop view.
Improved alignment of the icons in the Item filter widget.
The selection for the user's birth year has been extended to the previous year (2020).
A bug was fixed that sometimes caused radio buttons to be invisible in the member profile.
A bug was fixed that could cause the status update field to stretch when a long URL was pasted in it.
A bug was fixed that could sometimes let participants customize certain profile fields after logging in for the first time, while this was disabled by the webmaster.
A bug was fixed that could cause a dossier item to change to a folder item after being moved to a different location.
A bug was fixed where the notification for the appointment poll had been sent to the organizer before every participant had voted.
A bug was fixed in the chat profile menu options, where the "Send message" did not always work as expected.
Several security and stability improvements.