New API for Viadesk statistics
Fixed a bug with unpredictable behaviour of metadata and item templates
Fixed a bug where the Appointment Poll didn't render the date option if it was on a Monday
Bug fixes & API update
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New API for Viadesk statistics
Fixed a bug with unpredictable behaviour of metadata and item templates
Fixed a bug where the Appointment Poll didn't render the date option if it was on a Monday
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A bug was fixed where calendar categories and locations would not be sorted alphabetically in the dropdown
On the statistics pages of News and Setup, error messages have been made more readable
The SMS item has been removed completely
The Archived Groups page now shows archive date and amount of storage
A bug has been fixed where an event details would be shown twice on the event page
A problem has been fixed where members were unable to add events
A bug has been fixed where events would not be shown if they were in a different year
A problem has been fixed with item filtering in the Timeline widget
Improvements have been made to the settings of the Timeline widget
A small problem with tables in the rich text editor is fixed
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The calendar has an improved experience on mobile devices. For example, on phones the appointment names are hidden in the week view, allowing for a cleaner layout and less scrolling.
In the appointment poll, the radio buttons for the selection of the date have been moved to the right.
The appointment poll has several other improvements, like a better alert that you still need to vote, and showing the polling dates in the calendar.
If you click on an appointment in the calendar and go back with the browser Back button, you now end up in the same week as where you came from.
Full-year date formats are now shown on the appointment page.
Many improvements under the hood.
Additional participants are now included correctly in the participants export.
The subject of the confirmation email after subscribing to an event is improved.
The Keyword (tags) overview in Setup has an improved experience. It now shows you exactly in which groups they are used.
A bug has been fixed that could lead to incorrectly displayed tag names if they have special characters in them.
Several layout issues with long tag names have been fixed.
Some counting problems of keywords/tags with different under-/uppercase characters have been fixed.
A bug in which the group menu would not show up after clicking on a tag has been fixed.
A bug has been fixed in which the Form management button would show up incorrectly for users who cannot review forms.
Problems with the PDF export of forms have been fixed.
Form entries now show a clickable email address next to the name.
In the Groups and Managers screen under Setup, you can now see if a group has an MS Teams site attached to it.
Improved email notification for a chat message with just an image; it now displays the name of that image.
Clearer instructions for webmasters who want to change the email address of a member.
The mention tooltip was broken in some places, this has been fixed.
Pagination buttons at the bottom of the members' page didn't work properly, this has been fixed.
The action when a webmaster adds/removes another member to/from the webmasters' list is now logged under System Events for security reasons.
The Find A Group field from the application bar now shows a loupe icon for better clarity.
Member couldn't leave a group if they are a member of a group member list; this has been fixed.
The 'New In…' email now hides the author name, when a news item is published by "From the News Editors".
A counting bug in the (dis)likes when a document version is deleted has been fixed.
The Home group is now listed correctly on the Aspirant page.
A bug has been fixed that would not allow members to change their profile picture if the photo had extra dots in the file name.
A sorting bug of news articles in the ‘New In…’ mail has been fixed.
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The Calendar and Outlook widgets have a simpler layout making it more accessible
In the Calendar widget you can choose between list and column view layout
You can now opt to display your Outlook calendar on your profile for others to see, when you are logged in via OpenID / Microsoft 365. This option needs to be turned on by Fellow Digitals before it is available.
Events which you create, but don't participate in yourself, won't be shown in the Calendar widget anymore.
Bynder Digital Asset Management integration. To start using it go to Setup > Integrations > Bynder
All integrations can now be found under Setup > Integrations
A bug has been fixed that would display an error message on the last page of a survey
Performance improvements to the chat
Some cosmetic problems were corrected on the user preference page
Some improvements to the RSS import
Fixed a bug where sometimes a user would not receive a warning if they left a page with unsaved changes
Several improvements under the hood
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The chat now shows a send button to send your message
The behavior of the enter key is now dependent on your device: on desktop devices, the enter key will send the message; on mobile devices, the enter key will create a new line
It is now possible to hide the author of a news article, and have it say “from the editors”. This comes in handy for example if a member posts a news article on behalf of somebody else.
Sometimes the Unpublished Articles widget would have too little contrast in the title. This has been fixed.
On the news page in groups, the tags widget was always displayed despite the setting. This has been fixed.
On the Editorial Management page, deactivated participants are no longer displayed.
A bug has been fixed where setting permissions of a sub-folder would not be stored correctly
A bug has been fixed where sometimes a confirmation email would not be send if an invitee would accept an appointment
Problems with importing contacts have been fixed
A problem with searching contacts was found and fixed
During registration, it is now easier to set a standard image in case the user doesn't have a photo: the standard images are now shown from the start
A bug has been fixed where search would not respect the ‘last modified' date of notes
A bug has been fixed where the title of the shortcuts widget could unintentionally wrap if it is a link
A bug has been fixed where iframes would not work if the URL contained a ‘?’ character
In the Android and iOS app, ‘www’ can now be omitted when entering the domain URL
Cosmetic changes to the Statistics page
On some pages, the date field was too little. This has been fixed.
Issues have been resolved in the XLS export of Events.
A bug is solved where participants were shown multiple times during filtering on the participant page in Setup.
The sender of emails from Viadesk is now always the system email address as set in "Setup > Notifications > Email and notifications". To make it possible for the recipient to reply to the email, a 'Reply To' field has been added to the 'Write Email' page.
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There is a new and improved News Statistics screen for the news editing team
News Portal Featured widget has been removed
Some problems with push notifications are solved that could have resulted in multiple notifications when a user was logged in on several devices
The trash now has a ‘Show more’ link instead of paging
A bug has been fixed that could prevent date validation errors on the edit page of appointment to be shown
A search issue for item templates in a group has been solved
Email messages forwarded from the inbox of a group would always have Dutch text labels instead of the locale; this has been fixed
Fixed a bug where email would not be sent to group managers, if a candidate member registered
Fixed a cursor focus problem on the Group Permissions page
Fixed a problem with filtering on members and contacts in the outbox
Survey now has an option to make survey entries anonymous
A problem is fixed with the confirmation message when moving an item to a different folder
The tags widget on the personal startpage now only shows tags of groups that a member has access to
Text labels with “Office 365” are changed to “Microsoft 365”
Some issues in the Morning Mail were fixed around singular/plural text
Several enhancements around accessibility
Fixed a problem where an image could accidentally be shown twice in public events
The XLS import for public events is improved by providing prefixes
The event widget now has a “show more events” option
Fixed a problem in which some settings where lost when restoring an archived group
Attachments to invitation emails now have a limit of 3MB, to prevent bouncing issues
Webmasters now receive a clear warning, if an XLS sheet with members is imported that contains deactivated members
Improved Chat speed
Chat messages can be better viewed on android phones with small screens
All messages now get a timestamp
In the user profile, social links are now properly validated
Fixed a bug where an aspirant member loses City information, when accepted and converted to a member
A few small layout changes in the Workdays widget
An issue has been fixed that in rare cases could lead to hanging personal startpages which have the Tags widget
Some small problems have been fixed with the rich text editor, that could arise on (start)pages that had more than one rich text field
Several security enhancements have been made
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It is now possible to create a duplicate with only minor changes, such as the same appointment with two different starting times, with the Copy Appointment option
The use of images for the Events widget is now optional. In the settings under "View options", a checkbox "Display images" has been added (default option is still true). If set to false, no featured images will be displayed.
In the Event widget view, the weekday has been added next to the date of the event.
Group managers and webmasters can now remove participants that are enrolled in an event.
When managing group permissions in the member lists in "Setup", the platform now automatically memorizes what you have selected while searching.
Emails received in the inbox of a group are now included in the “New in...” email.
A bug was fixed where the “Home group" was no longer listed in the Groups widget on the personal start page.
A bug was fixed that could sometimes cause problems importing and exporting contacts in groups.
A bug was fixed that could sometimes cause members who disabled receiving notifications of a certain group in their preferences, to still see it in the “New in..” email.
Improved wording in the notification that is being sent after a form has been approved or rejected.
URLs without domain extension are now validated and allowed when used in the shortcut widget.
In the mobile/responsive view, the position of the news archive in the news portal is now on the bottom, corresponding to the desktop view.
Improved alignment of the icons in the Item filter widget.
The selection for the user's birth year has been extended to the previous year (2020).
A bug was fixed that sometimes caused radio buttons to be invisible in the member profile.
A bug was fixed that could cause the status update field to stretch when a long URL was pasted in it.
A bug was fixed that could sometimes let participants customize certain profile fields after logging in for the first time, while this was disabled by the webmaster.
A bug was fixed that could cause a dossier item to change to a folder item after being moved to a different location.
A bug was fixed where the notification for the appointment poll had been sent to the organizer before every participant had voted.
A bug was fixed in the chat profile menu options, where the "Send message" did not always work as expected.
Several security and stability improvements.
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The events widget has a new design. It offers more options. These include adding images to events, and the ability to assign tags to them. This comes in handy when you want to filter events by theme.
In the settings of events there are also some changes. There is now the option to organize an open event without registrations. It is also possible to hide the registered participants, so that only organizers can see who is attending the event.
Depending on your settings, you receive the "What's new" emails in your mailbox every morning. As of tonight, this automatically generated email has been revised. From now on, it is shorter, more concise, and has a new design. This way, you are informed at a glance about what relevant events have taken place on the platform.
There is now the ability to filter form entries.
There is now the ability to make notes with each form entry.
You can now specify whether you want the content of the entry to be displayed in the mail or not.
The layout of the form builder has been improved by getting rid of the floating panel.
Chat/direct messages now show read status by showing a user icon/photo under the last read message.
Registration form for events now includes a cancel button.
It is now possible to add tags to appointments and events.
The group manager overview under setup now includes user tooltips for group managers.
A bug was fixed in the quicklinks widget that sometimes caused the preview of an icon to not work properly when uploading.
When creating forms, fields are now sorted by most used instead of alphabetic order.
It is now possible to insert and display custom fields in the candidate member registration form.
It is now possible for group managers to add up to 50 different calendar locations.
A bug has been fixed that could sometimes cause duplicated to be exported and non-exported members to be replaced when exporting members from setup.
A new icon for the “address card” has been added instead of the “@” symbol.
Long item names in the “related” widget are now shown correctly.
Exporting members from a group’s members page is no longer limited to 250.
A bug has been fixed that could cause the cancellation email sent from an external event page to sometimes be in the wrong language.
It is now possible to add an events widget to the news page.
It is now possible for the organizer of an event to remove participants.
A new field type has been added to the profile. This field is called "File". With this it is now possible to add files to the user profile.
Events can now be saved correctly when there's a registration deadline.
Actions widget: When no actions are available, a message titled ‘No actions available’ is displayed instead of showing an empty widget.
A bug has been fixed that sometimes caused the default user wallpaper page to not work properly.
When searching for members under setup, custom fields are now being searched as well.
The candidate member registration form now displays custom fields for contact and company.
A bug has been fixed that sometimes caused clicking on a tag in the newsfeed to take you to Home instead of the #tags group.
We now offer embed support for
When using the ‘email to’ function in Viadesk, tables are now correctly inserted to the email body.
Images in the body of the activity mail are now visible in the email the user receives.
Several security and stability improvements.
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Microsoft 365 users are probably familiar with Teamsites. These are the handy groups in which documents can be shared. As of today, it is possible to create these groups directly within Viadesk. To create a Teamsite in Viadesk, go to the corresponding Sharepoint group. Under 'Add' click 'Teamsite'. On the screen that appears you will see a big button with 'Create Teamsite'. Click on it and you're done!
Finding the right images to complement a text can be tricky. Fortunately, this is now easier when you edit a news article in Viadesk. On the right side of the screen you will find the new option to add images. Within Viadesk this option gives you direct access to Pexels, an online database with thousands of beautiful pictures. All for free!
Labels adjusted in the German appointment confirmation.
Search engine now finds results based on file names.
The creation of table borders now works correctly in rich text editor.
Added a “do not reply” text to emails that are being sent from the [email protected] domain.
It is now possible to add extra (non-Viadesk member) event participants to a public event page.
A bug has been fixed in the event link for all-day events that could sometimes cause the date of the event to be displayed incorrectly.
If a password that is about to expire needs to be reset, a corresponding alert message is now displayed.
Small text addition in the label for submitting forms.
A bug has been fixed where it was not possible to lower a member's permissions during a bulk import.
Increased the visibility of the buttons on the News Management page.
A bug has been fixed where sometimes the wrong color highlighter was used when selecting a highlighter color in the rich text editor.
A bug has been fixed where images could not be dragged and dropped into the chat.
A bug has been fixed that caused the automatic assigning of experts for questions with selected expertise to not always work properly.
A bug has been fixed that caused group managers to not always be notified when a new aspirant member subscribed to their group in the second step of the registration wizard.
An appointment confirmation screen is now shown before an email is sent to large number of recipients.
Status of courses in the Coursepath widget are now shown correctly.
If a group manager selected a different layout for the start page, but cancelled this, the selected layout would still be activated. This has been fixed.
A bug has been fixed that in some cases allowed copying or moving an item from a sub folder to its parent for which this user only had read permissions.
The “last login” field has been removed from the member export for group managers.
The “Show versions” button has been made more visible below an item or document.
The warning notification when you try to leave a page but there is text in the body of the rich text editor now works properly again.
The invitation email for working in a group, for members who still need to activate their account before using it, now states to which group they are invited to.
The bookmark widget no longer displays an error message when the “https://” part is omitted.
The link in the “activate your account” mail is now shown as a button.
A checkbox option has been added that allows autoplay for YouTube videos on NewsRead. Videos are initially played with the sound muted.
White space in the poll is now removed when there is no background color in the title.
Icons of subfolders are now shown properly in FolderRead.
Appointment poll: An email is now sent to the organizer as soon as all participants have made their choice.
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